
!!! | Brexit Party | Brexit | Social Media | Europe | hacking Europe | populism | Trump | Putin | Kim Jong Un | Khashoggi | misc.


  1. Understanding and Reducing the Spread of Misinformation Online
  2. 2020: Fight Normalizing Trumpism
  3. Article 50 Extension Excludes Re-Negotiation
  4. “There’s a Method Underlying What Appears to Be Trump-GOP Madness”
  5. UK Would Vote to Stay in EU by 12 Percent Point Margin
  6. Nigel-Farage’s 2015 Manifesto
  7. “UKIP” And “The Brexit Party Limited” Are Cooperating
  8. Brexit Party Manifesto
  9. Reading the Mueller Report
  10. The Redacted Mueller Report Is Out
  11. EU Election System in the UK
  12. The Wealth Share of Top 0.01% in the USA
  13. Can We Believe the Polls?
  14. It Is Requisite That Great Numbers of People Should Be Ignorant
  15. Saudi Kidnap-and-Murder Squad Struck 12 times in 2 Years
  16. The UK’s Political System Just Couldn’t Cope with the Brexit
  17. Click Farms
  18. Brexit Flow
  19. “Brexit Is Such an Affront Because It Is a Battle in a Culture War as Surely and Pointlessly as Trump’s Wall”
  20. Anger Direction and White Identity Expression
  21. 5 Months Since Khashoggi Was Murdered
  22. 2084
  23. Heading for a Hard Brexit Means Heading for a United Ireland
  24. The Twitter Takeover of Politics
  25. Intentionally Compromising Users’ Privacy
  26. Tucker Carlson Call One of His Guests A “Tiny Brain…moron”
  27. It Confounds the Science
  28. Brexit and the Future of the British Model of Democratic Capitalism
  29. Bloomberg: Trump’s First Two Years
  30. A Very British Civil War
  31. The Quiet Life
  32. Criminal Activities by US Presidential Administration
  33. Trump’s Leverage:
    Insensitivity to Human Suffering
  34. How the Tories Failed
  35. The WALL, a Mnemonic Device
  36. Alice-themed Brexit Caricatures
  37. Jamming the Discourse
  38. Khashoggi’s Guilt
  39. Putin & Trump, Helsinki, 2018-07-16
  40. You Have Been Warned

The Brexit Party Ltd.

  1. Reminder: Farage’s Manifestos
  2. Brexit Party MEPs
  3. Mephisto without Manifesto
  4. Brexit at Any Cost
  5. Nigel-Farage’s 2015 Manifesto
  6. “UKIP” And “The Brexit Party Limited” Are Cooperating
  7. Tailoring the UK to Farage’s Business Requirements
  8. Brexit Party Manifesto
  9. Brexit Party Ltd.
  10. Psychological Warfare Coordinated between UKIP & Brexit Party
  11. Only Silly Voters Would Give Farage a Blank Check
  12. Bannon and Farage


  1. Празднование Брексита
  2. Результат референдума должен соблюдаться!
  3. Давай сделаем бре́кcит!
  4. Reminder: Farage’s Manifestos
  5. Brexit Party MEPs
  6. Less Clean, Less Safe, Less Workers’ Rights
  7. Hungary, Please Say No?
  8. The 2016 Referendum Was Advisory Only
  9. Your Mattress Will Monitor Your Nightmares
  10. The Benefits of a No-Deal Brexit
  11. The Globe Kept Spinning after 2016
  12. Majority against Brexit
  13. This Is Some Game!
  14. 10 Broken Brexit Promises 2016
  15. JRM Admits That Brexit Lost Majority
  16. Brexit for a Radical Tax Agenda
  17. Boris Johnson Cheated the Queen
  18. Ambition
  19. The Bellman’s Hair?
  20. A Snark Thread for the House of Commons
  21. In the midst of a Right-Wing Coup
  22. Brexit Is Not about the EU
  23. Tories Gone Mad
  24. The Giants Are Going to Sit on Us
  25. Farage Distorts Facts and Grammar
  26. Article 50 Extension Excludes Re-Negotiation
  27. UK Would Vote to Stay in EU by 12 Percent Point Margin
  28. Boris Jonson
  29. Only 3% of Leave Voters Expected Brexit to Make the Economy Worse
  30. Brexit: Ireland and the English Question
  31. Mephisto without Manifesto
  32. Brexit at Any Cost
  33. Nigel-Farage’s 2015 Manifesto
  34. “UKIP” And “The Brexit Party Limited” Are Cooperating
  35. Tailoring the UK to Farage’s Business Requirements
  36. Brexit Party Manifesto
  37. Who Is behind Brexit Party Recruitment and Its PR Makeover?
  38. BBC Is the Enemy, Declares Furious Farage
  39. UK, the Little 5th Biggest Economy
  40. Brexit Party Ltd.
  41. How Facebook Broke Democracy
  42. Will British MEPs Be “Difficult”?
  43. Penny Mordaunt
  44. UK Parties and Brexit
  45. Psychological Warfare Coordinated between UKIP & Brexit Party
  46. 2016 Referendum Was Not a Good Idea
  47. Only Silly Voters Would Give Farage a Blank Check
  48. Cameron’s WTO Promise? (2016)
  49. My Easter Greeting to Theresa May
  50. Marr
  51. We Made Our Decision
  52. BBC Bias
  53. EU Election System in the UK
  54. Bannon and Farage
  55. Off with Her Head!
  56. In 2012 Jacob Rees Mogg Was Not against the EU
  57. What on Earth Did Poor Tennyson Ever Do to Deserve This?
  58. The Same Procedure
  59. Donald Tusk’s Letter to EU Leaders
  60. Can We Believe the Polls?
  61. Strong Brexiteer Thinks Again
  62. Joy
  63. The Greatest Fraud in British Political History
  64. Murdoch Rules
  65. Controlled Grassroots Movement
  66. New Investigation Not in Public Interest
  67. Scotland Will Not Be Dragged out of the EU
  68. Verhofstadt at His Best
  69. Pick up a Rifle
  70. Vote Leave Pays £61,000 Fine
  71. Piranha Is Piranha
  72. A Brexiter’s Mindset
  73. Leave.EU Comitted Multiple Offences under Electoral Law
  74. Escher’s Brexit
  75. London, 2019-03-23: Two Million Friends of Europe
  76. German ZDF Shows What BBC Failed to Show
  77. “We Killed Them All”
  78. The Story of the Brexit Big Short.
  79. Rutger Bregman on BBC
  80. The Sight of a PM Who Understood What She Said Only after She Said It
  81. What Can We Learn from Aldous Huxley about Social Media?
  82. То, что я говорю тебе трижды, правда!
  83. “Europe Was Quite Generous”
  84. Eine Sitcom namens “House of Commons”
  85. 3 Million Settled
  86. Believe in Britain
  87. Guy Verhofstadt on Extending Article 50
  88. Advisory Referendum 2016
  89. The UK’s Political System Just Couldn’t Cope with the Brexit
  90. The Risk Remains Unchanged
  91. Brexit Elite
  92. A Very British Protest
  93. Tony Blair about an Insoluble Dilemma
  94. Hard Brexit Group Spends £350,000 on Facebook
  95. Bрексита
  96. Brexit Chart
  97. Boxed Elite
  98. Brexit Flow
  99. How Brexit Has Hit the Value of UK Firms
  100. “Brexit Is Such an Affront Because It Is a Battle in a Culture War as Surely and Pointlessly as Trump’s Wall”
  101. UK Is Sleepwalking into a Disaster
  102. Regrexit
  103. Understanding Brexit: Cultural Resentment versus Economic Grievances
  104. Why Do People Believe Crazy Things?
  105. May’s Brexit Deal Hinges on Geoffrey Cox
  106. One Day before March 12th
  107. Honda Relocates Investment
  108. Angry Brexiters
  109. Farage Could Be Facing Criminal Charges Related to Money Laundering
  110. May Wanted to Tighten Every Single Screw She Could Find on the Immigration System
  111. What Made Boris Johnson Flip?
  112. How the USA Take Control of a Little Island
  113. Hell for Planless Brexit Promoters
  114. In the Battle within the Elites the Emotions of the Commoners Are the Weapons
  115. Scotland Does Not Have to Sink with the Brexit Ship
  116. Heading for a Hard Brexit Means Heading for a United Ireland
  117. Dramatic Shift in Theresa May’s Brexit Policy?
  118. Leave Has More Clout in Social Media than Remain
  119. I Am Not Alone
  120. What Kind of Second Referendum?
  121. “The Hunting of the Snark” Is about Discourse
  122. Populists Not Popular
  123. The Real Brexit Cliff Edge Is Not on March 29th – It’s July 1st
  124. You Thought It’s Avocado? Eat up Your Wasabi!
  125. Intentionally Compromising Users’ Privacy
  126. Brexit Will Help the British Elite to Exert Even Better Control over Their People
  127. Brexit Victim Swindon
  128. A Short History of Brexit
  129. Social Media Has Perverse Incentives
  130. Car Makers Leaving the UK
  131. There Is Hope
  132. Symbiotic May/Corbyn Relationship
  133. Idiocy of Epic Proportions
  134. Verification of Belief-Based Ideas
  135. Theresa May: Remaining in the EU in UK’s National Interest
  136. How Companies Don’t Explain Why They Are Downsizing in the UK
  137. Border Buster
  138. It Is Time to Build an Alternative
  139. Dark Money
  140. Britains Negotiation Future
  141. Commons Don’t Support May’s Negotiation Strategy
  142. Leavers More Active than Remainers in Social Media
  143. How Anti-Europeans Plan to Wreck Europe
  144. The Extent of Russian-Backed Fraud Means the Referendum Is Invalid
  145. Brexit and the Future of the British Model of Democratic Capitalism
  146. Mismatch
  147. Polarize, Divide and Rule
  148. Misunderstanding the EU
  149. Extend Article 50
  150. Sinn FéIn: Referendum on Irish Unity
  151. That Man
  152. Waving the Union Joke
  153. Donald Tusk
  154. Bad Customs
  155. AAWG!
  156. Fool Britannia
  157. Brexit for the Birds
  158. Collective Madness
  159. D-Day
  160. UK Labour Is a Mess
  161. Democracy
  162. Good Answers
    to a Whining Brexiteer
  163. Purebread English
  164. Referendum Was Won by Cheating
  165. Has Proud Bear Been Silenced?
  166. The Backstop Isn’t Just about Trade
  167. Sabine Weyand’s Full Speech
  168. A Very British Civil War
  169. Protecting Ireland
  170. Can the EU Help British Politicians as Their Scapegoat?
  171. The History of the Irish Border
  172. 46 Years EU Membership Healthier for Ireland than 700 Years under British Rule
  173. The Quiet Life
  174. Mueller Investigation Affects Brexit
  175. Mark Rutte on the Backstop
  176. Martial Law
  177. Revoke and Reconsider
  178. Mueller Looks to London
  179. Trump Is Playing the Media
  180. How the Tories Failed
  181. Pre-Brexite Damage
  182. Will Brexit Break up the UK?
  183. Borderline Miraculous
  184. All Them Rules Innit
  185. This Week’s Mad Balloon
  186. Cheese
  187. Brexit FAQ
  188. Normal Britain?
  189. Brexit Is No Picnic
  190. Alice-themed Brexit Caricatures
  191. Brexit never was about Europe
  192. Nicola Sturgeon: Put the Question of Europe to People Again
  193. Rees-Mogg Agreed to 2nd Referendum
  194. Order! Restraint! Patience! Zen!
  195. A startling spectacle it is, isn’t it?
  196. Democratic Double Check
  197. EU Citizens in Britain
  198. Steve Bannon’s Grubby Fingerpints
  199. Theresa May’s Shameless Video
  200. “The Brexit that was promised cannot be delivered”
  201. Rees-Mogg Wants to Carry On
  202. Evidence of Russian Hybrid Threat
  203. “Former ministers plan to hijack Brexit on Tuesday”
  204. About not Feeling Sorry for Theresa May
  205. Dining to Leave
  206. Largest Parking Lots in the World
  207. “But the principal failing occurred in the sailing”
  208. “The thing shall be done!”
  209. But the Failing Occurred in the Sailing
  210. Brextit: 759 Treaties to be Renegotiated
  211. Plan–Do–Check–Act–Plan–Do–Check–Act–…
  212. European Fireworks
  213. Heroic Failure
  214. The People Want to Take Back Control
  215. How Euroscepticism made the Tories Unhappy
  216. Brexit: What Do Conservatives Want?
  217. Ghost Child
  218. Expats Ask High Court to Declare Brexit Vote Invalid
  219. Выбор помощника

Social Media

  1. Understanding and Reducing the Spread of Misinformation Online
  2. Nothing Is True? Anything Is Possible?
  3. How the Internet Would Propagate and Legitimise Fake News (1996)
  4. How Facebook Broke Democracy
  5. Decline in Human Empathy Creates Global Risks in the ‘Age of Anger’
  6. Chinese Infowar
  7. Controlled Grassroots Movement
  8. What Can We Learn from Aldous Huxley about Social Media?
  9. Click Farms
  10. Hard Brexit Group Spends £350,000 on Facebook
  11. “Brexit Is Such an Affront Because It Is a Battle in a Culture War as Surely and Pointlessly as Trump’s Wall”
  12. Correct the Record
  13. Leave Has More Clout in Social Media than Remain
  14. Vitriolic 2019
  15. The Twitter Takeover of Politics
  16. Intentionally Compromising Users’ Privacy
  17. Italy: A Little Help from Putin
  18. Social Media Has Perverse Incentives
  19. Hacking Europe
  20. Electoral Integrity in the Run up to the European Parliamentary Elections
  21. Leavers More Active than Remainers in Social Media
  22. Evidence of Russian Hybrid Threat
  23. Jamming the Discourse
  24. Выбор помощника


  1. Joy
  2. London, 2019-03-23: Two Million Friends of Europe
  3. Tic Tacs for the Austrian Chancellor
  4. Populists Not Popular
  5. Italy: A Little Help from Putin
  6. Hacking Europe
  7. Electoral Integrity in the Run up to the European Parliamentary Elections
  8. How Anti-Europeans Plan to Wreck Europe
  9. Merkel & Trump
  10. The Quiet Life
  11. About not Feeling Sorry for Theresa May
  12. European Fireworks
  13. Jamming the Discourse

Hacking Europe

  1. Intentionally Compromising Users’ Privacy
  2. Italy: A Little Help from Putin
  3. Hacking Europe
  4. Electoral Integrity in the Run up to the European Parliamentary Elections
  5. How Anti-Europeans Plan to Wreck Europe
  6. Evidence of Russian Hybrid Threat
  7. Jamming the Discourse
  8. Выбор помощника


  1. In the Battle within the Elites the Emotions of the Commoners Are the Weapons
  2. Populism Can Kill You
  3. Populists Not Popular


  1. The New American Way
  2. Trump’s Hush Money Trial
  3. Donald Trump’s Indictment
  4. Trump’s negligence killed thousands
  5. McConnell sees Trumpism as a Liability for the GOP
  6. “I don’t think that the every day American understands what actually happened here.”
  7. Trump’s People
  8. Take to the US Capitol Lawn and Steps
  9. Trial by Combat
  10. Things and Events That Happen
  11. January 2020 Pandemic Warning: Trump Knew It
  12. Trump the Ripper
  13. Who Held the Guard Back?
  14. Mob Makes the Trumps Happy
  15. Reap the Whirlwind –
  16. Women with Humongous Hands
  17. Trump and Republican Officials Have Won Zero out of at Least 42 Lawsuits
  18. Trump’s Call to Georgia
  19. Trump’s Deleted Tweets
  20. Beautiful Soup
  21. Election Sabotage (03)
  22. Election Sabotage (02)
  23. Election Sabotage (01)
  24. “My Great and Unmatched Wisdom”
  25. Less Clean, Less Safe, Less Workers’ Rights
  26. White Supremacy
  27. 2020: Fight Normalizing Trumpism
  28. Send Her Back
  29. Trump’s Miracles
  30. Political Vandalism
  31. Friends and Monsters
  32. G20 2019 in Osaka
  33. Praise the Great Leader!
  34. The Banality of Evil
  35. Whom Can I Believe?
  36. Salute
  37. Mohammed Bin Salman: Iran Is the Culprit
  38. Australia PM Mimicks American President
  39. Hide the USS McCain!
  40. “There’s a Method Underlying What Appears to Be Trump-GOP Madness”
  41. Trump Hears Signals
  42. Trump’s Emergency
  43. How to Earn Trump’s Respect
  44. Trump Fans
  45. Servant
  46. Trump Builds on Obama’s Work
  47. Reading the Mueller Report
  48. The Redacted Mueller Report Is Out
  49. Barr Chickening Out
  50. White House Letter to Barr
  51. Mueller Didn’t Clear Trump
  52. The Cheater in Chief
  53. Stephen Moore Wants Child Labor
  54. The Wrestler
  55. Trump Afraid of Note Taking
  56. Is Bill Barr Still Trump’s Lawyer?
  57. A Good Read: The Mueller Report
  58. The Game Goes On
  59. Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election
  60. Impressive Trump Impersonation
  61. Bannon and Farage
  62. “Capitalism Is a Lot More Important than Democracy”
  63. Different Views on Denuclearisation
  64. Trump Addresses the Republican Jewish Coalition
  65. What?
  66. The Baroque President
  67. Murdoch Rules
  68. It Is Requisite That Great Numbers of People Should Be Ignorant
  69. Haunted by Kremlins
  70. Kushner’s Clearance and MBS
  71. Saudi Kidnap-and-Murder Squad Struck 12 times in 2 Years
  72. Nebelwerfer
  73. Trump Is an Embarrassment
  74. What Can We Learn from Aldous Huxley about Social Media?
  75. Thssssssssssss
  76. То, что я говорю тебе трижды, правда!
  77. No Surprises from Kim Jong Un
  78. Washington Post Condemns Trump Rhetoric after New Zealand Shooting
  79. The Hate Tree
  80. Trump Fostered Hate against Muslims
  81. Liar Trump Agreed to the Claim That Obama Is a Muslim
  82. Trump Used Right Wing Terrorism to Promote
  83. Presidential Violence Threat
  84. Trump’s Use of Humiliation
  85. Trump Already Lowered the Benchmarks
  86. Tic Tacs for the Austrian Chancellor
  87. Deafening
  88. Signed by the Author?
  89. About the Mueller Way
  90. More Religion, Less Science
  91. Bone Saws & Bail Outs: A Timeline
  92. Thousands of Immigrant Children Said They Were Sexually Abused in U.S. Detention Centers, Report Says
  93. “Brexit Is Such an Affront Because It Is a Battle in a Culture War as Surely and Pointlessly as Trump’s Wall”
  94. John Bolton: “My Opinion Doesn’t Matter.”
  95. Trump Will Not Go Quietly If He Is Beaten in 2020
  96. Judiciary Chair: Trump Obstructed Justice
  97. Anger Direction and White Identity Expression
  98. Flag Hugging
  99. Free Speech
  100. 5 Months Since Khashoggi Was Murdered
  101. He Likes Me, I like Him
  102. No Collusion Investigation
  103. Trump Cares Less about Work Safety than Obama
  104. In the Battle within the Elites the Emotions of the Commoners Are the Weapons
  105. Trump Lied about Kushner’s Security Clearance
  106. Trump-Kim Summit Ends Abruptly with No Nuclear Agreement
  107. Donald Trump Is a Liar
  108. How the Saudis Made Jeff Bezos Public Enemy No. 1
  109. Trump Doesn’t Care about What Happened to Children Separated from Their Parents
  110. “The Hunting of the Snark” Is about Discourse
  111. Vitriolic 2019
  112. Why Trump Is Useful
  113. The Twitter Takeover of Politics
  114. Robert Mueller Has Stitched Together a Russia Report in Plain View
  115. Republicans Keep Admitting Everything They Said about Obama Was a Lie
  116. Trump’s Foreign Policy Is a Hazard to the USA
  117. Don’t Mess with Eagles
  118. Trump’s War on Science Continues
  119. The Saudi Nuclear Plan
  120. Tucker Carlson Call One of His Guests A “Tiny Brain…moron”
  121. Inspired by Trump
  122. It Confounds the Science
  123. What Is Trump’s Mental Age?
  124. Gun Control Emergency
  125. Trump’s Tariffs
  126. National Emergency: Trumps Support to the NRA
  127. 25th Amendment
  128. Trains Are Evil
  129. God’s Will
  130. Pompeo Says the US Is Not Covering up Khashoggi’s Murder
  131. Trump’s Biz Fires Its Longtime Undocumented Workers
  132. MBS Underestimated Jeff Bezos
  133. “Hearing on Trump’s Shameful Child Separation Policy at the Border”
  134. Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker Testifying before the House Judiciary Committee
  135. Polarize, Divide and Rule
  136. “Trump Accused of Breaking Law after Refusing to Report to Congress on Khashoggi’s Brutal Killing”
  137. Maximum Appeasement
  138. Migrant Children: Whatsabout Obama?
  139. Trump Shrugged as the Saudis Obstructed Justice
  140. Horror of Immigrant Family Separations
  141. Missing Migrant Children Being Funneled through Christian Adoption Agency
  142. Abu Rasasa – the Father of the Bullet
  144. Merkel & Trump
  145. Kim Jong Un Will Keep His Nuclear Weapons
  146. Bloomberg: Trump’s First Two Years
  147. Trump’s “Unstructured Presidency”
  148. “Willful Ignorance”
  149. Trump’s Economy
  150. Genius with Good Genes
  151. Trump and Bible Literacy
  152. “Impact of These Actions
    on Vulnerable Children”
  153. OMG
  154. Trump Has Intelligence Issues
  155. Concession
  156. “Most Expensive and Least Effective Way to Do Border Security”
  157. “Trump Is a Fraud”
  158. “Global Waming”
  159. Self-Irony, Accidental or Intentionial?
  160. Trump’s Economy Needs California
  161. Trump & Art
  162. Theme of the Republican Party?
  163. Inaccurate Claim That 58000 Non-Citizens Voted in Texas
  164. Praise Trump!
  165. Fake Precision
  166. Criminal Activities by US Presidential Administration
  167. The Art of the Deal: Fake Marketing Idea
  168. Pence’s Patience
  169. Mueller Looks to London
  170. Trump and His Campaign’s Contacts with Russians
  171. Emoluments Clause
  172. Hackback
  173. Why Didn’t the Reps Use Their House Majority in 2017 or 2018?
  174. Ted Cruz Relates Shutdown to Hostage Taking
  175. Fools
  176. Trump, Evangelicals, and the Single-Issue Voter
  178. Trump Is Playing the Media
  179. The Divide
  180. Trump’s Wall Is the Most Expensive and Least Effective Way to Do Border Security
  181. Trump’s Leverage:
    Insensitivity to Human Suffering
  182. Trump Admin Shuts down Public Climate Data Webpage
  183. Undocumented Immigrants Reduce Crime in the US
  184. The WALL, a Mnemonic Device
  185. Looking Forward to Meeting with Chairman Kim at End of February!
  186. Trump Wants the Fight, Not the Wall
  187. Violence
  188. Trump, the Humanitarian
  189. Did God Help Trump?
  190. Mueller Sets Things Right
  191. Washington’s Unbelievable New Normal
  192. With Trump No Middle Ground
  193. With Daddy’s Help
  194. Trump Wants USA to Leave NATO
  195. Will Barr’s Task Be Again to Pardon Criminals in Order to Let the President Get Away?
  196. Trump’s Memes
  197. The Boojum Tree
  198. Great Thoughts from the President of the USA
  199. Is Trump an Russian Intelligence Asset?
  200. “FBI can’t neutralize a security threat if the president is the threat”
  201. Protect the USA “from within”
  202. Propaganda Machine
  203. “Is this how you make Amerika great again?”
  204. Saudis Cozying up to Trump
  205. Trump, the Conman (1958)
  206. 100 Days Since the Murder of Khashoggi
  207. Better Call James
  208. Trump’s Sense for Honorability
  209. Deal Making
  210. Double Standards Management System
  211. The Two Trump Traits That Led to the Shutdown
  212. Trump Took Responsibility for the Shutdown
  213. “Nancy said, NO. I said bye-bye”
  214. FOX News: Good Fact Checking Still Is Possible
  215. “Kim Jong Un sees it better than anyone”
  216. GOP Senators Challenge Trump on Shutdown Strategy
  217. “If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed”
  218. Trubu Imperator
  219. MARA — Make America Rake Again
  220. Military needs to ask FOX to get attention from Trump
  221. Trump’s Failing Memory
  222. Presidential Actions
  223. Presidents In Awe
  224. Trump is used to people not getting payed
  225. President Simpson
  226. Style
  227. First Lies in 2019
  228. Greatest Election Of All Time
  229. The Wall is Coming
  230. Trump Supporters
  231. “Putin & I”
  232. “The Power of Illegal Immigration to Manipulate Popular Sentiment”
  233. Enemy of the People
  234. The Christian Right
  235. Let the Scots Pay for the Wall!
  236. Trump Lies to his Soldiers
  237. Trial Runs for Fashism
  238. Making Bad Decisions Through a Bad Process
  239. Trump Endangered His Soldiers
  240. Trump’s Two Sisters
  241. Detours
  242. “It’s a shame, but it is what it is.”
  243. “A design of our Steel Slat Barrier which is totally effective while at the same time beautiful!”
  244. Mistake Not to Have Mattis Finish a Four-Year Stint at Defense
  245. God’s Gift to Russia
  246. “We are building artistically designed steel slats”
  247. War On Science
  248. Meaningless Numbers
  249. “Not to sound naive or anything”
  250. Categorically Untrue Statement
  251. Trumpy Bear
  252. Grand Fenwick
  253. Saudi National Security Apparatus Is Bearing the Brunt of the Blame for Killing
  254. The Crown Prince Totally Denied Any Knowledge
  255. Trump Talks about Bruce Ohr’s Beautiful Wife
  256. Putin & Trump, Helsinki, 2018-07-16
  257. No Collusion
  258. A Very Stable Genius
  259. Beautiful Clean Coal
  260. Still Life


  1. Russia’s Four Friends
  2. Празднование Брексита
  3. Nothing Is True? Anything Is Possible?
  4. White House Letter to Barr
  5. Mueller Didn’t Clear Trump
  6. Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election
  7. Haunted by Kremlins
  8. Bрексита
  9. Leave Has More Clout in Social Media than Remain
  10. Robert Mueller Has Stitched Together a Russia Report in Plain View
  11. Italy: A Little Help from Putin
  12. Hacking Europe
  13. How Anti-Europeans Plan to Wreck Europe
  14. The Extent of Russian-Backed Fraud Means the Referendum Is Invalid
  15. Polarize, Divide and Rule
  16. Has Proud Bear Been Silenced?
  17. Trump and His Campaign’s Contacts with Russians
  18. Hackback
  19. Trump Wants USA to Leave NATO
  20. Is Trump an Russian Intelligence Asset?
  21. Evidence of Russian Hybrid Threat
  22. Richard Grenell Changes the Rules
  23. “Kim Jong Un sees it better than anyone”
  24. “Putin & I”
  25. Jamming the Discourse
  26. God’s Gift to Russia
  27. No Tea in Russia
  28. Putin & Trump, Helsinki, 2018-07-16
  29. Выбор помощника

Kim Jong Un

  1. Friends and Monsters
  2. Whom Can I Believe?
  3. Salute
  4. Trump Hears Signals
  5. How to Earn Trump’s Respect
  6. Different Views on Denuclearisation
  7. No Surprises from Kim Jong Un
  8. John Bolton: “My Opinion Doesn’t Matter.”
  9. He Likes Me, I like Him
  10. Trump-Kim Summit Ends Abruptly with No Nuclear Agreement
  11. Maximum Appeasement
  12. Kim Jong Un Will Keep His Nuclear Weapons
  13. Looking Forward to Meeting with Chairman Kim at End of February!
  14. “Kim Jong Un sees it better than anyone”


  1. Friends and Monsters
  2. G20 2019 in Osaka
  3. Whom Can I Believe?
  4. Mohammed Bin Salman: Iran Is the Culprit
  5. Trump’s Emergency
  6. Kushner’s Clearance and MBS
  7. Saudi Kidnap-and-Murder Squad Struck 12 times in 2 Years
  8. Bone Saws & Bail Outs: A Timeline
  9. 5 Months Since Khashoggi Was Murdered
  10. How the Saudis Made Jeff Bezos Public Enemy No. 1
  11. The Saudi Nuclear Plan
  12. Pompeo Says the US Is Not Covering up Khashoggi’s Murder
  13. MBS Underestimated Jeff Bezos
  14. “Trump Accused of Breaking Law after Refusing to Report to Congress on Khashoggi’s Brutal Killing”
  15. Trump Shrugged as the Saudis Obstructed Justice
  16. Abu Rasasa – the Father of the Bullet
  17. “Trump Is a Fraud”
  18. Rights of Journalists
  19. Richard Grenell Changes the Rules
  20. Saudis Cozying up to Trump
  21. 100 Days Since the Murder of Khashoggi
  22. Enemy of the People
  23. Kangaroo Court Trial
  24. “It’s a shame, but it is what it is.”
  25. Khashoggi’s Guilt
  26. Categorically Untrue Statement
  27. Saudi National Security Apparatus Is Bearing the Brunt of the Blame for Killing
  28. The Crown Prince Totally Denied Any Knowledge


  1. How the Internet Would Propagate and Legitimise Fake News (1996)
  2. Cyberpenetration
  3. Decline in Human Empathy Creates Global Risks in the ‘Age of Anger’
  4. It Is Requisite That Great Numbers of People Should Be Ignorant
  5. At Borderline
  6. Carlson Is Murdochs Bitch
  7. Utopia for Realists
  8. Black and White
  9. On Guns
  10. Correct the Record
  11. Populism Can Kill You
  12. Communicating Scientific Uncertainty
  13. 2084
  14. Warren Buffett: The Wealthy Are “Undertaxed”
  15. Alleged Advice from Insiders to the AG
  16. Italy: A Little Help from Putin
  17. Hacking Europe
  18. Tucker Carlson Call One of His Guests A “Tiny Brain…moron”
  19. Trains Are Evil
  20. Constitutional Rights of Noncitizens in the USA
  21. Wealth Distribution in the USA
  22. Philanthropy Doesn’t Compensate for Tax Evasion
  23. A Word That You Know Doesn’t Mean the Thing You Think It Means
  24. China Expects That All Chinese Will Do Their Duty
  25. Voting in the USA
  26. HH Sheikh Mohammed Honors the Winners of the Gender Balance Index 2018
  27. Migrants Added €35 Billion to the German Economy
  28. We Can’t Be Negotiating on the Backs of Hundreds of Thousands of Federal Employees
  29. Trump Is Playing the Media
  30. Rights of Journalists
  31. Order! Restraint! Patience! Zen!
  32. European Fireworks
  33. Lewis Carroll and Australia’s Real Political Story
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