Here are the REAL numbers:
215 criminal charges
38 indictments or pleas
5 prison sentences
500 search warrants
2800 subpoenas
13 requests to foreign governments for evidence— Forever Logical 🖖 (@ForeverLogical) April 20, 2019
Mueller indictments: everyone charged so far in the Russia investigation – Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team has indicted or gotten guilty pleas from 34 people and three companies that we know of — the latest being longtime Trump adviser Roger Stone.
— Forever Logical 🖖 (@ForeverLogical) April 20, 2019
Again and again, Trump frantically pressured his aides to lie to the public, deny true news stories and fabricate a false record. They rarely challenged him, but when he pushed them to the brink of committing crimes, they refused. …
— Forever Logical 🖖 (@ForeverLogical) April 20, 2019
Trump knew he was guilty of numerous bad acts and repeatedly lied about those bad acts. So he did everything in his power to obstruct, fight or derail the investigation to prevent his bad acts and lies from becoming known. It’s really that simple.
— Forever Logical 🖖 (@ForeverLogical) April 20, 2019
The Mueller Report Is An Impeachment Roadmap
— Forever Logical 🖖 (@ForeverLogical) April 20, 2019
@LindseyGrahamSC on removing Bill Clinton from office: “You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic if this body determines your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role.”
— Forever Logical 🖖 (@ForeverLogical) April 20, 2019
Trump’s DHS Guts Task Forces Protecting Elections From Foreign Meddling
“It’s very curious why the leadership has not committed resources to prepare for the 2020 election,” one DHS official tells The Daily Beast.
02.13.19 9:31 PM ETFrom <
— Forever Logical 🖖 (@ForeverLogical) April 20, 2019
This must be exposed —> The State Dept. Was Granted $120,000,000 to Fight Russian Meddling. It Has Spent $0.00
— Forever Logical 🖖 (@ForeverLogical) April 20, 2019
50 nations sign pledge to fight cybercrime and election interference — but not US or Russia
— Forever Logical 🖖 (@ForeverLogical) April 20, 2019
White House blocks bill that would protect elections – A bill that would have significantly bolstered the nation’s defenses against electoral interference has been held up in the Senate at the behest of the WH, which opposed the proposed legislation…
— Forever Logical 🖖 (@ForeverLogical) April 20, 2019