— Hear Me Roar (@Stop_Trump20) May 7, 2019
Tag: caricatures
The Wrestler
Mr Trump’s success lies in applying WWE principles where the line between performance and reality is even finer https://t.co/PUs6mTfAue
— The Economist (@TheEconomist) April 13, 2019
Off with Her Head!
For England expects to take back control from the EU. England needs to stop the European interference with English rule over (Northern) Ireland, Scotland and Wales!
Make England great again!
cc: @theresa_may @ByDonkeys @theSNP @NicolaSturgeon pic.twitter.com/9LL4uZ49TJ
— Goetz Kluge (@Bonnetmaker) April 14, 2019
The Same Procedure
I'll wager many UK people won't understand the humour in this, but the Germans will. Top trolling! pic.twitter.com/Ww54KdwxLm
— Dr*T (@Dr_star_T) April 11, 2019
Escher’s Brexit
From London's @Telegraph cartoonist today. Thought this summed things up pretty well for the current Brit PM. @theresa_may #Brexit #Escher pic.twitter.com/3p33I36pPt
— Benjamin Toby Carter (@BenTweetCarter) March 23, 2019
Bob Cartoon, March 23
Brexit talks. This week's i cartoon by @BJennings90. Hat tipped to MC Escher pic.twitter.com/959tIq02XQ
— Oly Duff (@olyduff) September 1, 2017
The Hate Tree
#WordsMatter He's been watering this evil for years. Everyone knew this is exactly what was included with this "winning" package. pic.twitter.com/V42H5ImE5w
— Snoozandyalooz #BlueSparks #imwithHer🌎 (@BethanysCloset) March 16, 2019
Hell for Planless Brexit Promoters
I agree there must be a special place in hell for that person #WeAreAllDonaldTusk check here — https://t.co/1tfeeu1fKs pic.twitter.com/SCATbNwaNy
— Chris J Keelty (@ChrisKeelty) February 10, 2019
European Council President Donald Tusk: "I've been wondering what that special place in hell looks like for those who promoted Brexit without even a sketch of a plan on how to carry it safely." https://t.co/SYBgpXU8A7 pic.twitter.com/f10OYeRhAi
— The Hill (@thehill) February 7, 2019
The art of finding a way to take offence and get on a high horse…
…called out by the John Bercow & Joanna Cherry. 👏
— Mike Galsworthy (@mikegalsworthy) February 6, 2019
Jacob Rees-Mogg wrote this article below.
In it he says that Tusk “is saying that 17.4million people are stupid and got it wrong”
Rees-Mogg is deliberately misquoting. What a crook. https://t.co/5OAYb8Ra6F
— Mike Galsworthy (@mikegalsworthy) February 8, 2019
Dear Brits, how come that this aristocratic looking Jacob Rees-Mogg guy of yours keeps lying through his teeth and can get away with it? Seemingly he needs to misquote Tusk in order to push his project which will make him even richer but most of you poorer.
— Goetz Kluge (@Bonnetmaker) February 8, 2019
a sun which absorbs the day’s light
'Alexa, show me the sauna from hell.' pic.twitter.com/DChKFUECy9
— Julian Shea (@juliansheasport) March 2, 2019
Britains Negotiation Future
Wait till we get into talks with China and America….. 🇺🇸 🇨🇳 https://t.co/ld2YQxYCg8
— Nina Schick (@NinaDSchick) February 13, 2019
The spinning machine will soon see the coin run out and when it does the trickery will meet Putin, Xi and a Trump with congress chewing on his nuts if he gives an inch. It is truly depressing what the UK has allowed its political machine become in recent years. #Brexit pic.twitter.com/LifayFIQEJ
— Yesser #PeoplesVote Hughes (@WatchPopulistIr) February 13, 2019
— Medan (@sumnjam) February 1, 2019
Polarize, Divide and Rule
The “Wall” in the USA:
Polarize. Divide and rule. The cartoonist @MarianKamensky1 explains how Trump did it: pic.twitter.com/oVhZ8KVNPb
— Goetz Kluge (@Bonnetmaker) January 24, 2019
Donald Trump thrives on divisiveness. It’s how he keeps himself the center of attention, fuels his base and ensures that no matter what facts are revealed, his followers will stick by him. https://t.co/RvICRvj8A8
— Robert Reich (@RBReich) February 8, 2019
The “Brexit” in the UK:
Well, I doubt Lucifer would welcome them, as after what they did to Britain, they would even manage to divide hell 🙂 https://t.co/AS367egjZP
— Guy Verhofstadt (@guyverhofstadt) February 6, 2019
Hi @KateHoeyMP, thanks for the feedback. Actually, I was elected by my constituents with over 500k votes.
Imagine an elected MP campaigning on Europe, not knowing that MEPs are elected? pic.twitter.com/dEEQOVfMoN
— Guy Verhofstadt (@guyverhofstadt) February 8, 2019