Billions of dollars are sent to the State of California for Forest fires that, with proper Forest Management, would never happen. Unless they get their act together, which is unlikely, I have ordered FEMA to send no more money. It is a disgraceful situation in lives & money!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 9, 2019
— TINA GLASS (@MISSTINAGLASS) November 19, 2018
US-Präsident Donald #Trump besucht die Waldbrand-Orte in #Kalifornien und hat kluge Tipps für die Feuerwehr mitgebracht. Nicht die extremen Winde und der #Klimawandel sind schuld. Nein, die Leute hätten mehr Laub fegen sollen!
Hat er recht? Äh, jein:
— Marc Röhlig (@marcroehlig) November 18, 2018
"Forrest" Trump promises to strip away California's FEMA wildfire recovery funds (via @latimesopinion)
— Los Angeles Times (@latimes) January 9, 2019
President Trump, in a tweet, said that he has ordered the FEMA not to send more disaster funding to fire-ravaged California “unless they get their act together, which is unlikely.”
— Los Angeles Times (@latimes) January 9, 2019