MARA — Make America Rake Again

Billions of dollars are sent to the State of California for Forest fires that, with proper Forest Management, would never happen. Unless they get their act together, which is unlikely, I have ordered FEMA to send no more money. It is a disgraceful situation in lives & money!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 9, 2019

— TINA GLASS (@MISSTINAGLASS) November 19, 2018

US-Präsident Donald #Trump besucht die Waldbrand-Orte in #Kalifornien und hat kluge Tipps für die Feuerwehr mitgebracht. Nicht die extremen Winde und der #Klimawandel sind schuld. Nein, die Leute hätten mehr Laub fegen sollen!

Hat er recht? Äh, jein:

— Marc Röhlig (@marcroehlig) November 18, 2018


"Forrest" Trump promises to strip away California's FEMA wildfire recovery funds (via @latimesopinion)

— Los Angeles Times (@latimes) January 9, 2019



President Trump, in a tweet, said that he has ordered the FEMA not to send more disaster funding to fire-ravaged California “unless they get their act together, which is unlikely.”

— Los Angeles Times (@latimes) January 9, 2019


Trump’s Two Sisters

Donald Trump’s Fake Renoir: The Untold Story

Trump biographer Tim O’Brien talks about his years covering the developer turned reality star turned president—including a bizarre incident involving a fake impressionist painting.
by Nick Bilton

October 13, 2017 6:10 pm


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Still Life says about this heartwarming still life:

Carl Baum 1812 – 1877

American Still Life (c1848-1852) (AAR Volume 6, Number 2, page 24)

Baum is another American artist whose work resembles Roesen’s. American Still Life has a marble table piled high with an extravagance of fruit. There is also a bird’s nest. The picture is especially full of round fruit – hardly anything is elongated. Even the bunches of grapes make the grapes look fairly rounded, although still oblong. Most of the fruits in the picture are small, on the order of cherries. An orange looks positively huge. Baum also likes reddish fruits.

There is a posterized version (4000 x 5000) of Baum’s still life for your music chamber too.

As for the president’s choice, see: Douglas Wilson: About the Chick on the Piano … (2016-02-29).

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