Gun Control Emergency

The ease with which crazy people in this country can get guns: THAT’s a national emergency.

— Stephen King (@StephenKing) February 17, 2019

Pelosi: Trump could set precedent letting next president declare emergency on gun violence

— The Hill (@thehill) February 15, 2019

100 people die from guns every day. That’s a national emergency.

If Trump gets away w this border emergency declaration, then a Dem President can declare a gun violence emergency and institute universal background checks and an assault weapons ban by executive action.


— Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) February 15, 2019

National Emergency: Trumps Support to the NRA

Since Parkland: 12 Months. 1,200 Kids Killed by Gun Violence.

— Forever Logical 🖖 (@ForeverLogical) February 14, 2019


Trump, your inability to acknowledge a gun was used to kill my daughter is despicable. As you continue to politicize her murder, please avoid any references to her until you are able to deal with the reality that gun violence took her life and the lives of 40,000 others.

— Fred Guttenberg (@fred_guttenberg) February 15, 2019

How Much Did The NRA Spend On Getting Trump Elected? They Broke Their Record For Campaign Spending

— Forever Logical 🖖 (@ForeverLogical) February 14, 2019

President Trump's FULL speech at NRA annual meeting in Dallas –

— Forever Logical 🖖 (@ForeverLogical) February 14, 2019

Just weeks after Trump championed gun restrictions in a rambling televised appearance, he backpedaled on Monday, offering a gun plan that largely hews to the NRA’s orthodoxy and seemingly scraps his proposal to raise the buying age for some guns.

— Forever Logical 🖖 (@ForeverLogical) February 14, 2019

Two days before the school shooting in Florida that left 17 dead, the Trump administration proposed cutting millions in federal education programs meant to help prevent crime in schools and assist them in recovery from tragedies.

— Forever Logical 🖖 (@ForeverLogical) February 14, 2019

Betsy DeVos said the federal commission on school safety set up this year after the Parkland, Florida, school massacre will not focus on the role guns play in school violence

— Forever Logical 🖖 (@ForeverLogical) February 14, 2019

With Trump and @GOP, it's just more lies and MORE GUNS… #GunLawsNOW #GunControlNow #GunReformNow #AssaultWeaponsBan

— Forever Logical 🖖 (@ForeverLogical) February 14, 2019

New CDC data shows that the number of gun homicides rose by almost a third in just *two years* – That’s over 4,000 more people killed with guns…

— Forever Logical 🖖 (@ForeverLogical) February 14, 2019

More Police Officers Died From Gunfire Than Traffic Incidents In 2018, Report Says – NPR

— Forever Logical 🖖 (@ForeverLogical) February 14, 2019

'Thoughts and prayers' — and fistfuls of NRA money: Why America can't control guns – LA Times

— Forever Logical 🖖 (@ForeverLogical) February 14, 2019

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