Huawei Is Obliged to China in the First Place

Huawei responded to recent criticism in a very carefully worded statement:

That leaves lots of space to damage anything besides business and networks. In a sense, one can take Huawei's statement as an declaration that Huawei wants to keep the option to damage the privacy of people. And they can do so without taking "requests from any government".

— Goetz Kluge (@Bonnetmaker) January 14, 2019

Technically, for a chip designer it is easy to integrate spyware on silicon into chips. As long as such backdoors are not opened by some signatures passing by in the datastreems processed by the chip, those spy modules would sleep like a mole. Therefore you cannot detect them by any external analysis or monitoring. You only can detect them by looking on the silicon itself. That can be done, but who would do that for all relevant chips? Such an analysis requires quite some effort and expensive equipment.


Huawei founder's protests mean nothing. Independent Chinese companies simply don't exist, says @METhorley.

— The Conversation (@ConversationUK) January 17, 2019


To the CEO and to all other Huawei Chinese employees the Social Credit System (η€ΎδΌšδΏ‘η”¨η³»η»Ÿ) has priority over any obligations to customers and business partners. Not only those who don’t cooperate with what the Chinese Communist Party expects from them are in trouble, but also their family members face difficulties. Keep this in mind when dealing with Chinese business partners. They are obliged to what their Nation expects from them in the first place.

See also: Social credit system

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