Trump had 2 years to build that damn wall when Republicans controlled Congress. So why didn't he?
Because it polled so poorly that many Republican Senators wouldn't vote for it (including John McCain).
So Trump waited until he could blame Democrats for not building it.
— Nate Lerner (@NathanLerner) January 26, 2019
I search Trump supporters who can explain to me why Trump didn’t solve the wall issue when the GOP still had the House majority. Please explain this to me.
— Goetz Kluge (@Bonnetmaker) January 23, 2019
…which is why you waited two years to make it a priority? Gimme a break.
— Kevin Mleziva (@LostInTheEcho40) January 23, 2019
Why didn’t republicans vote for a wall when they controlled both the house and the senate?
— Brandon Urbanski (@royalbansk) January 23, 2019
Why wasn’t this your priority when you first took office and had both the house and senate? Why is it now an emergency and not then?
— Fawn Kwok (@FawnKwok) January 23, 2019
How come you didn't shut down the government, when Republicans were in control? You helped them to a 1.5 trillion tax cut. They couldn't give you 50 billion? They had control of everything. They got the tax cut through.
— Marc Buemi (@marc_buemi) January 21, 2019
Trump and the Republicans *do not want* to fix the problem. They need conflict and an agenda which also can be understood by not so smart Trump supporters. That is why they did not get the wall built when they still were in control of the House.
— Goetz Kluge (@Bonnetmaker) January 22, 2019
Trump and GOP have shutdown the govt because they can’t get over the loss of house to Dems in 2018. They didn’t throw this tantrum for 2 years with GOP majority, and Trump didn’t have votes even then. #wewillremember
— Ms. Meera Kashalkar (@Zipzapzoom9) January 13, 2019
Trumps >5 billion $$ wall project is *designed* to be rejected by the Democrats. Trump and the GOP obviously don't want a wall. Otherwise they would have built it before the midterms. Instead, they need an agenda to keep their supporters angry at the Democrats until 2020.
— Goetz Kluge (@Bonnetmaker) January 13, 2019
=== Explanation please ===
Can somebody explain to me, why the Republicans did not use their majority in the congress in 2017 or 2018 to get the 5.1 billion US$ for Trump's wall project?
— Goetz Kluge (@Bonnetmaker) January 12, 2019
=== Explanation please ===
The Steel Barrier, or Wall, could have been built by the Trump administration since 2017 or 2018. Why didn't the Republicans use their majority in the congress in 2017 or 2018 to get the 5.1 billion US$ for Trump's wall project?
— Goetz Kluge (@Bonnetmaker) January 12, 2019