Hide the USS McCain!

Navy says it was asked to "minimize visibility" of USS McCain for Trump visit https://t.co/zRcNbw351x pic.twitter.com/ILLnH41TO0

— The Hill (@thehill) June 2, 2019


Great job. The USS John S. Mc Cain now got even more attention that without one of these childish Trump maneuvers. This is a beautiful example how the "Streisand effect" works. I love it.https://t.co/7Eid3cNPkj

— Goetz Kluge (@Bonnetmaker) June 2, 2019


You thought that it couldn’t get worse?

How low can they go?

Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney:

It was "NOT AN UNREASONABLE THING” for advance team to ask to move USS John McCain ship out of sight from President Trump. pic.twitter.com/uU8O8mOt6O

— Ryan Goodman (@rgoodlaw) June 2, 2019


In Germany we more and more tend to poke fun at our armed forces, but so far our soldiers didn't manage to entertain us with stories as weird as this grotesque McCain name hiding comedy. I never would have believed that something like this could happen in reality.

— Goetz Kluge (@Bonnetmaker) June 2, 2019


Whatever, the Streisand effect sometimes makes hidden things even more visible.

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