Martial Law

Something is going wrong here.

Is anybody still scoffing at warnings about the British state 'suspending' the Scottish Parliament? | UK Govt prepare for 'martial law' in the event of no-deal Brexit #DissolveTheUnion

— Peter A Bell #DissolveTheUnion (@BerthanPete) January 27, 2019


Theresa May's government could declare a state of emergency and introduce martial law under a no-deal Brexit

— Business Insider (@businessinsider) January 27, 2019


I assume that control over internet content, especially social media, is included in UK's martial law planning. I think that pulling the plug on FB, Twitter etc. is inevitable, as mass communications impede government control of the population.

— el laurence: #FBPE, #PeoplesVote (@ajhanlaurence) January 27, 2019


No Deal Brexit will could lead to a state of emergency, martial law, and the ability for the government to repeal any law (except for the Human Rights Act) without debate. Not what ANYONE voted for. This is totalitarianism. From today's Sunday Times.
(Picture by @Colcestrian)

— (((Snigdha))) (@snigskitchen) January 27, 2019

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