A Snark Thread for the House of Commons

The House of Commons has risen for summer recess and will return on 3 September at 2.30pm.
Find out what will be debated when the House returns: https://t.co/uHaZ3REUuy

— UK House of Commons (@HouseofCommons) July 25, 2019

But the principal failing occurred in the sailing,
 And the Bellman, perplexed and distressed,
Said he had hoped, at least, when the wind blew due East,
 That the ship would not travel due West!https://t.co/brWZiWUkIq pic.twitter.com/hq4mVviEMV

— Snark Sesquicentennial (@Snark150) July 26, 2019

https://t.co/xXBRmahv4L pic.twitter.com/sk8hR7DWzZ

— Snark Sesquicentennial (@Snark150) July 26, 2019


— Snark Sesquicentennial (@Snark150) July 26, 2019

By the way, your MPs in your chamber have no tables. That's at least an occupational health issue.https://t.co/19k5ThwzWT pic.twitter.com/KTK5dVKJxR

— Snark Sesquicentennial (@Snark150) July 28, 2019

Actually, your chamber is an ergonomic disaster. How about using the summer recess to think about learning from Canada?

Image source: https://t.co/SMLgp1acDj pic.twitter.com/LoPU6L0yjK

— Snark Sesquicentennial (@Snark150) July 28, 2019

Next, about what do MPs talk?

Searching the Hansard (1988-11 to 2016-03)https://t.co/gdqstdNcBF
※ "The Hunting of the Snark": 46 hits

※ "What I tell you three times is true": 46 hits
※ Snark: 270 hits
※ Boojum: 26 hits
※ Bellman map: 25 hits

— Snark Sesquicentennial (@Snark150) July 28, 2019

As it seems to be important to you, how about using the summer recess for reading "The Hunting of the Snark" more carefully? https://t.co/QbSf0V3BGe pic.twitter.com/YQbZZjrx7P

— Snark Sesquicentennial (@Snark150) July 28, 2019

Does the Snark help you to understand your present Brexit project? Yes, it does, because it is a tragedy.https://t.co/RaClCCPoij pic.twitter.com/RhL4gSZCP3

— Snark Sesquicentennial (@Snark150) July 28, 2019

To make it digestable for younger readers, Lewis Carroll wrote his Snark poem as a tragicomedy. But Henry Holiday, to whom it was a tragedy, left a hint to us: The Baker got baked. It ends with burning Thomas Cranmer at the stake.https://t.co/kV1kqhERrD pic.twitter.com/GqWsyd90Zl

— Snark Sesquicentennial (@Snark150) July 28, 2019

I think that "The Hunting of the Snark" is about confrontational but still legitimate debates (Snark) turning into toxic disputes (Boojum). If that is so, you know pretty well why the poem is about you and your politics of pain.

— Snark Sesquicentennial (@Snark150) July 28, 2019

If the Snark is too much for you in your summer recess, then please at least take a little time to watch this. https://t.co/ZyXii8QLd4

— Snark Sesquicentennial (@Snark150) July 28, 2019

And if even that would exhaust you too much in this hot summer, enjoy James Acaster's teabag metaphor, before your tea bag ends up in the bin. https://t.co/jMttiWwh8m

— Snark Sesquicentennial (@Snark150) July 28, 2019

The completely outdated work environment in the HoC chamber might inhibit your understanding of the realities of today. For example, there seem to be some issues in the HoC with representing UK citizens.

Image by @simonjhix from @YouGov data. pic.twitter.com/mN5kvufwqW

— Snark Sesquicentennial (@Snark150) July 30, 2019

Would it be possible to return to some more rational modes of decision making? There should be a way to apply the Deming Cycle in a democratic way. Please.

— Snark Sesquicentennial (@Snark150) July 30, 2019


The method employed I would gladly explain,
  While I have it so clear in my head,
If I had but the time and you had but the brain—
  But much yet remains to be said.https://t.co/THPb5WTaZB

— Snark Sesquicentennial (@Snark150) July 30, 2019

Fokus on what is best for the UK, not on what is best for your party or for saving a few individuals' investments in failure.

There is too much distraction from fulfilling your duties.https://t.co/AAUH0jaA29 pic.twitter.com/1XcYjaajRB

— Snark Sesquicentennial (@Snark150) July 30, 2019

By the way, some of you know that there have been earlier Brexits.https://t.co/ThhRPLmiTY pic.twitter.com/U3EJQherFo

— Snark Sesquicentennial (@Snark150) July 30, 2019

Even parts of that 16th century Brexit painting ended up in the "Snark". The nose of that walking-cane sucking pavonine Broker (one of the 9 or 10 Snark hunting titans who forged British nonsense) first grew on the face of a Roman Catholic monk.https://t.co/MKhKnzh5T7 pic.twitter.com/12x6ASewbs

— Snark Sesquicentennial (@Snark150) July 30, 2019

There is unfinished business. Trust in your people and the knowledge they gained since 2016. Let them finish the work.https://t.co/za4KicMqXe pic.twitter.com/zmAcWdyqFu

— Snark Sesquicentennial (@Snark150) July 30, 2019

But you fear the monster which you unchained in 2016.https://t.co/IoMSGQvLLG pic.twitter.com/4Ho0yQmJJE

— Snark Sesquicentennial (@Snark150) July 31, 2019


— Snark Sesquicentennial (@Snark150) July 31, 2019

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